The settings.json file is used to tell the server what settings to use. The detailed specification is in ServerConfig, but this should get you up and running. Please refer to the Getting Started Guide if this is your first time installing TiddlyServer.
//The JSON5 parser allows comments!
//All relative paths are relative to this file.
//The user directory prefix ~ is allowed.
//remove one of these
"tree": "../webroot", //this tree is just going to mount a folder as root: ../webroot
"tree": { //this tree is going to mount a group containing folders and another group
"myfolder": "../personal",
"workstuff": "../work",
"user": "~/Desktop/random",
"projects_group": {
"tiddlyserver": "~/Desktop/Github/TiddlyServer",
"material-theme": "~/Dropbox/Material Theme"
"bindInfo": {
// V V V V Uncomment one of the following V V V V
//bind to localhost only (you can specify any other ip address in this array, and it will bind to all available addresses)
// "bindAddress": [""],
//bind to
// "bindWildcard": true
//workaround for android devices (bind to all available private ip addresses on startup)
// "bindWildcard": false, "bindAddress": ["", "", ""], "filterBindAddress": true,
"putsaver": {
//single file wikis will backup to this directory on every save
"backupFolder": "../backups" // comment out or set to "" to disable backups
"$schema": "./settings-2-2.schema.json"